noun: elan

energy, style, and enthusiasm.

The Writer Behind Elan Writes

Enthusiastically applying industry knowledge and experience to YOUR work!

Terra Elan McVoy is the author of eight books for tweens and teens, an instructor at the Yale Writers Conference, freelance copywriter and independent bookseller with over twenty years of experience in the writing and publishing industry. 

What Others Have Said

"How do you improve in any sport? You need a coach. A coach points out the things you are doing right and corrects what you are doing wrong then trains you how to make the change. How do you improve as a writer? You need a coach. Terra has not only been a great coach, she’s been a cheerleader too. She has a knack for explaining what I need to do and then helps me make my story stronger. She takes time to really read and respond, and does not just correct spelling and grammar. She actually helps me understand how to mold my story into something powerful and believable. I feel way more enabled to present my manuscript to an agent after Terra helped me and am super thankful to have found her."

--ML Davis, author of Snatched

"I was so proud of myself for finishing my first middle grade novel. My early readers seemed to love it, and I did tons of research on how to find an agent.  Yet when the first batch of agents I queried responded with rejection or silence, I knew that something was missing from my manuscript.  So I turned to Terra McVoy for a consultation. I knew I wanted to talk to someone who knew the middle grade market as an author and a bookseller.  What could be better?  It’s a little intimidating to send your creative efforts off to a stranger. Yet within five minutes of our meeting, Terra felt like a trusted friend, showing me exactly what was needed to turn my story into something that would grab the attention of agents and publishers.  Her suggestions were just what I had hoped for, important ideas and connections that I simply couldn’t see for myself.  I have a lot of work ahead of me now, but I know what where to go and what to do, thanks to Terra’s stellar guidance.  

I would hire her again in a heartbeat!"

-Andy Sarvady

"Terra Elan McVoy is a master of asking the right questions to prompt writers to dig deeper. She inspired me to create characters that live beyond the page. For example, to better understand their motivations, she offered fabulous exercises that put me firmly in their world. She also prompted me to use more descriptive language to make the setting come to life. The end result for me is a more visual story readers can sink into and characters with whom the reader can relate. After a few days working with Terra... my confidence in my writing and my ability to improve it grew exponentially."

--Maria Hebert-Leiter 

What Can I Do For You?


Whether you need a brochure, Twitter blitz or a blog post, I can help! Please contact for pricing and samples.

Manuscript revision

Multi-view process including an initial read-through, manuscript line edits, and editorial letter (or 60-minute phone conversation) about revision suggestions, through maximum of three revisions. Will require initial manuscript assessment beforehand to determine fees. 

Manuscript critique:

Manuscript read-through (maximum 50K words) and notes from me, with suggestions for revision. Includes 60-minute conversation (in person or on the phone) about my critique. $450. 

General consultation:

60-minute phone conversation about general industry advice and manuscript guidance. $100

Creative Writing Tutoring

Helping young writers get inspired and focus on their writing skills (creative writing or academic) in individual one-hour sessions. Ages 8-18. $75/hour. (Local students can be visited in person. Outside of the Atlanta area, please contact for logistics.) 

Payment and signed coaching agreement required before we proceed. 

Interested? Please send me an email with the following information:

City & state:
Telephone number:  
What is the title of your work?:  
What is the nature of your work (e.g. novel, short story collection, memoir)?:  
If your work is fiction, what kind is it (fantasy, science fiction, literary, etc.)?:  
Is it for adults, young adults, or children?:  
What is the word count of the manuscript?:  
Is the manuscript complete?:  
What is your writing background (e.g. journalism, MFA, college creative writing courses)?:


What do I do if I haven't heard back from you after I've submitted my query?

I will respond to all queries within ten days--even if that's to say "Give me a little more time!" If you haven't heard back from me, please feel comfortable nudging. Sometimes things do get dropped in the queue. 

How long does it take you to complete a project?

This depends on the other demands of my time (books I'm writing, classes I'm teaching, etc.), but I promise to be transparent with you and work organically on a schedule that fits both our needs. 

What is your lead time? Can you work on my project NOW?

My lead time varies, depending on client load. Please be honest with me about your timeline, and I will be honest about mine. 

Can you help me query agents or publishers?

I can give you general advice about your query letter, but I find that a good query follows a finely-tuned manuscript, so I'd prefer to focus there, first. I cannot, unfortunately, connect you directly with agents or editors, although I can give phone consultation advice about that. 

Will you write or revise my manuscript for me?

No. I'm strictly an advisor here. My goal is to help you find ways to approach your own manuscript with a solid set of tools and some great cheerleading, too.

How quickly will our work together be completed?

The speed at which I complete a project almost always depends on how  quickly an author revises and how deeply we're working on a manuscript, as well as what else I have going on. The key is: I will work with you.  

Will you copy edit my manuscript?

I'll do my best to note a trend in  grammatical errors, and  punctuation problems throughout your manuscript when I'm reading, but my strengths are in storytelling, character development, mood setting and hooking readers, rather than dotting i's and crossing t's.     

What is your preferred method of payment?

SquareCash and Paypal are available payment methods, as well as paying by check.  Authors are responsible for any associated fees. Please do not send  cash.

Contact Us

To Go Forward:

Please include your--



City & state: 

Telephone number:  

What is the title of your work?:  

What is the nature of your work (e.g. novel, short story collection, memoir, etc.)?:  

If your work is fiction, what kind is it (fantasy, science fiction, literary, etc.)?:  

Is it for adults, young adults, or children?:  

What is the word count of the manuscript?:  

Is the manuscript complete?:  

What is your writing background (e.g. journalism, MFA, college creative writing courses)?:

Elan Writes LLC


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: By appointment

Sunday: Closed